A few Golden Shield Students

As a lifelong teacher of dance and a yoga, I most highly recommend this practice of Golden Shield Qi Gong. It brings enhanced mind-body refinement and strength to the whole physiology. My 57 year old body feels stronger and healthier than ever, I’m impressed with the caliber of teachers. Their knowledge and compassion are evident in their dedication to their students.
Pat Riker, Austin, TX
“Besides being a big boost to health, feeling energized, and overall well-being on the physical level, for me qigong has been a real life altering experience.”
Caterina Xiroyanni, NYC.
“Mind blowing and life altering.”
Kent D., Garland, TX
“Having tried many different healing modalities for many years, this is one of the best things I’ve ever encountered.”
Kevin Brady, Addison, TX

Having completed the leg training class, I attended a Thai massage seminar. As the instructors moved their hands over my legs they exclaimed that they had never seen anyone before with zero pain along their meridians. When I explained about Jingui everyone was interested in beginning the training.
J. Kulakowski, Chicago, IL
As a 56 year old male, with chronic essential hypertension and elevated cholesterol and triglycerides for at least twenty years. From the first week of practice I felt increased strength and vigor. In the last year I lost 25 pounds and my blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride readings decreased. I believe that this reversal is due in large part to my practice of Golden Shield Qi Gong.
Walter F. Wiese, Fairfield, IA
As an Emergency Room nurse in a Midwest Regional Medical Center, I am exposed to high stress situations every day. Practicing Jingui Golden Shield has not only helped me become stronger physically, but, has taught me "energy management" so that my own energy can be preserved in difficult situations. I love the practice.
Dan Lee, R.N. Fairfield, IA

My acupunturist has a machine which measures how much qi is distributed in the body. He could not believe how much energy was being generated from my abdominal region. Since I am in Golden Shield training, that makes sense.
Chrampanis, Scottsdale, AZ
Golden Brushes (Hands Training) has made a world of difference in my recovery from long standing tenosynouitus (RSI). Flare ups are fewer and farther between and recovery times are shorter. In my opinion, this system of Qi Gong has done for me what many other things I have tried have not: made full recovery possible. Thank you Jingui!
Kirsty Barclay, Salt Spring Island, B.C.
Over the last months, my father has been dying an agonizing death I have sat with him for the last week to ease his transition into death. This process has been very painful for me. I've had to do battle with the medical establishment every step of the way to get sufficient help for him. The last days of his life I was awake for 48 hours including a ten-hour drive to get back home. At no time in this process have I felt exhausted. I have been able to give energy to my father, my brother, and my stepmother with no appreciable energy deficit for me. At no time have I felt unbalanced by the stress. I returned to work without missing a beat. Golden Shield Qi Gong is what has made this work. I have been able to make conscious use of my energy throughout this process. Normally I would have been exhausted by this series of events.
N.K., PhD, Austin, TX
I am 48 years old, married with one 16 year old son. I am a dancer of 30 years. I became ill with Chronic Fatigue, Epstein-Barr virus, and mercury poisoning. I was hypothyroid because of the mercury poisoning, and had four miscarriages. I was still too tired to be able to relax and sleep. The anxiety I had was constant, and I couldn't breathe deeply. I honestly prayed to die. I knew a person who had gotten over chronic fatigue by doing Golden Shield Qi Gong for one year. I am now horseback riding, camping, and hiking into the Chihuahau desert. I teach seven classes per week at Ballet Austin, and am still healing. Qi Gong is a continuing education in building and managing qi. It has given me a profound development of the energy needed to create and enjoy my life as I know it was meant to be.
Suzanne Armistead, Creativity Coach, Austin, TX

I've been doing qi gong for less than 2 months but already I am seeing benefits. My body is now providing me with the energy I need to strengthen myself. It feels wonderful to have a new relationship with my body. I feel younger and more vital. I'm just at the beginning of my qi gong training, but I see how powerful a tool this is for increasing energy and improving health. I look forward to class nights -- I haven't missed a single one. I am excited to find how much fun the whole process is. This is a big win for me. Thanks so much for providing this opportunity for all of us to grow.
Nancy C, retired teacher, Watsonville CA

Qi Gong has changed my life. None of the other self improvement programs that I have tried have changed my fundamental energy level as much as Qi Gong. My energy level and physical stamina have changed to such an extent that I know that it is only a matter of time before I reach the fantastic levels of potential that the human mind and body are capable. For those who have searched for the techniques to unlock the potential that we all know we are born with but have not been able to achieve, please look into the Qi Gong programs. The organization makes no such promises, but for those who follow through with the practice, the results are there.
Chip Hoyt, Austin TX
I practiced Yang style Tai Chi 18 years before beginning Golden Shield. While the two practices are entirely compatible, and many consider Tai Chi one of China’s greatest cultural treasures, Golden Shield offers a turbo-charged method of development. In Golden Shield, one systematically trains a section of the body for months before moving on to another part. The result is faster, more thorough development. Within two years of practicing Golden Shield Qi Gong, I was feeling Chi more powerfully and in places I never had before. I have injured my right hand multiple times over the years. The Golden Brushes or Qi Gong hands training technique knit my hand back together and remedied a persistent weakness that other approaches had failed to address. The training has benefited me in myriad ways including no small improvement in my sex life. But best of all, is the mental aspect. The techniques one learns provide many tools for greater control of one’s physical, mental and energetic states. More than that the teaching fundamentally changes one in such a way that less management is necessary. Certain qualities become inherent. For me, the most dramatic experience of this is in times of stress and endurance. I used to “hit the wall” on occasion and drop into a mental pit of exhaustion and anxiety. I recently noticed that is much rarer these days even though the external stressors in my life have hardly been reduced. To the contrary, they have increased but my internal resiliency, mental buoyancy and stamina are just that much greater. That is a wonderful thing.
Mark Thompson, Austin, TX
I practiced Yang style Tai Chi 18 years before beginning Golden Shield. While the two practices are entirely compatible, and many consider Tai Chi one of China’s greatest cultural treasures, Golden Shield offers a turbo-charged method of development. In Golden Shield, one systematically trains a section of the body for months before moving on to another part. The result is faster, more thorough development. Within two years of practicing Golden Shield Qi Gong, I was feeling Chi more powerfully and in places I never had before. I have injured my right hand multiple times over the years. The Golden Brushes or Qi Gong hands training technique knit my hand back together and remedied a persistent weakness that other approaches had failed to address. The training has benefited me in myriad ways including no small improvement in my sex life. But best of all, is the mental aspect. The techniques one learns provide many tools for greater control of one’s physical, mental and energetic states. More than that the teaching fundamentally changes one in such a way that less management is necessary. Certain qualities become inherent. For me, the most dramatic experience of this is in times of stress and endurance. I used to “hit the wall” on occasion and drop into a mental pit of exhaustion and anxiety. I recently noticed that is much rarer these days even though the external stressors in my life have hardly been reduced. To the contrary, they have increased but my internal resiliency, mental buoyancy and stamina are just that much greater. That is a wonderful thing.
Mark Thompson, Austin, TX
I am an 82 year old woman who has completed four levels of Jingui Golden Shield Qi Gong. I recently had my bone density tested. They said I have the Bone density of a 22 year old.
C. Persons, Austin, TX
I have noticed a significant increase in my energy system. I feel more powerful, dynamic and tuned in. My ability to perceive energy in myself and others is greatly enhanced. Because I have “rewired” my electrical system, I can channel more life force, thereby bringing my own energy field to a higher level and provide a greater level of care and service to my patients.
Dr. Ben Eversage, D.C., Fairfield, IA
My acupuncture points along the governor and conception vessels were so strong, my chiropractor wanted to know more about Golden Shield Qi Gong! I told him there are people in the class whose meridians are stronger than mine! Also, my full spinal x-ray was in his words was "Beautiful"; perfect spacing of the discs and vertebrae with hardly any degeneration. This is an improvement from 25 years ago when I had "early degeneration of the vertebrae". Golden Shield Qi Gong Rocks!
Sue Baugh, Chicago, IL

I’ve been happier and able to deal with situations better since I started Qi Gong. My energy has increased. In addition, I burned my fingers recently on an oven and what would have normally been a 3rd degree burn did not turn out to be a burn at all.
Rebecca Leo, Austin, TX
Three years ago I had to stop 11 years worth of bodywork and music because of tendonitis in both hands. When I started Golden Shield Qi Gong, I was amazed that I was using my hands to practice the techniques of Qi Gong. I never thought I would be able to do some of the exercises. Through the training my pain actually started to break apart and go away. I now use my hands more than ever. I work making metal light fixtures by hand punching designs with an awl, and I have returned to doing body work.
Eddie Painter, Massage Therapist, Austin, TX
I have multiple sclerosis. I started taking Golden Shield Golden Shield about 3 years ago. My nerve pain is very much improved in my arms. I have tried many things since 1991 to get rid of this pain (acupuncture, nerve medications, pain killers) and nothing else helped. My fatigue problems due to the MS have also improved dramatically. My neuro doctor and I laugh because I have very rarely exhibited MS symptoms in the last 3 years.
Barbara H., Chicago, Ill

Desperate and skeptical, I joined the Golden Shield classes after being diagnosed with heavy mercury toxicity and muscular dystrophy, not to mention erratic stress levels and depression causing chronic fatigue. Now, two years into the practice, my mercury toxicity is not present, and I'm actually seeing muscle enlarge in my once seriously atrophied pectoral major.
Ben Livingston, Neon Artist, Austin, TX
Perseverance, persistence, and commitment have played a major role in the total transition of my body. When I began I was pretty bunged up as a result of a car accident. Through Qi Gong I am regaining integrity regarding the internal and external aspects of my body. I continue to improve as the qi builds, throughout, improving bone density and opening up the meridians. My focus is to develop more and more strength as I progress through the various levels. The results, thus far, have been just that, along with overall good health and a feeling of confidence. My gratitude to Dr. Zhang, the Instructors and my QiGong friends for their time, patience and encouragement as they assist me in achieving my goals.
Cindy Howze, Austin TX
I’ve experienced remarkable growth in my physical strength since I began Golden Shield and completed the Hand Training. I am amazed at the rapid development of the local students as they progress through the levels of training and most highly recommend Golden Shield Qi Gong.
Stephanie Schlegel, ND Vancouver BC
"When I was a teenager, my mother would often nag me, 'Stand up straight, you're slouching!' No matter what I did, my posture was bad. Then something happened. Several months into my Qi Gong Torso training, I was standing up straight, without even thinking about it! I had so much more energy flowing through my body that I couldn't slouch if I wanted to! This is only one example of how Qi Gong will change you and your life from the inside out. I wouldn't give it up for the world. "
Heather F. , Austin TX
Golden Shield training has been without a doubt the most remarkable journey of life. The integration, strength, and overall heath that I experience on a daily basis is truly remarkable. Since starting the training I have had many chronic health challenges disappear from my system. I use to have on going back problems [upper back, neck and lower back] that landed me in the chiropractors office on average once a month. I‘ve only been the chiropractor once in the last three years! Also at the age of 25 I developed a problem with my hands becoming numb. The numbness would become so intense at night that most of the time I would only get 4 to 5 hours of sleep before the pain would cause me to wake up. I never wake up any more due to pain in my hands. In the fall and winter I would also suffer from sleepless nights, low energy and over stressed adrenals due to allergies from ragweed and cedar. While I still have slight symptoms from time to time, I no longer need regular acupuncture treatments and herbs. I can now simply relax my body, take a few deep breaths and clear the symptoms on my own. In addition to these health concerns I have also had many other more minor problems that have cleared from my system. I am ever grateful to Dr. Zhang and all the other masters who developed this system. I am a completely different person because of Golden Shield Qi Gong.
Tim Chrisco, Austin TX

Jingui Golden Shield Chi Gong has been a wonderful practice for me. . .facilitating a deeper level of integration. . .of the three "treasures". . .body, mind, spirit. In this way, I can say the training has been a true treasure. How fortunate we are to have this ancient practice offered in this modern day. I have grown stronger in the past six years and am now enjoying the sweetness of the Pure Energy level training. I find the cultivation to be instrumental in my own counseling practice as it helps me align with a deeper level of intention for sessions with my clients. I continue to enjoy what unfolds from each stage of the training.
Shannon Brown MA, LPC-I
I frequently tell people that qi gong "saved my life." I don't feel that is an exaggeration. Not only physically but emotionally and spiritually, I am so much healthier now than I was 10 years ago when I started qi gong. I feel better than I've felt in 20 years or more and I attribute that to qi gong. It is still mostly a mystery exactly how it works, but I personally feel that I am in direct communication with the cells of my body. It seems we now have a deal - "if I will listen to what you are trying to tell me, you will tell me what I need to sleep well, eat right, and maintain all types of balance in my life." So far, it's working out great!
Stephanie B, CPA Austin TX
Since returning to Jingui several months ago, I have noticed an increased energy level and overall happiness in life. The classes are very informative and adapted to the needs of the participants. The instructors have been available not only during class but also throughout the week to address my questions. I highly recommend the program.
Jefferson M. Brinker, Attorney, Austin TX
I've been so impressed by the attention and care of the instructors. Their enthusiastic commitment to my success is very clear to me.
Rick F., Austin TX
I find the whole system of Jingui a very effective way to develop a deeper awareness of the body /mind. It is a very practical way also in a way of not requiring any particular set of believes, just the willingness to practice a little and watch for the results. At least for a beginner like me...
Sandro C., Austin TX
After sealing the bridge i noticed on the plain ride home that my dyslexia is about 95% plus better in terms of reading with much less effort. Normally I have to use all kinds of focusing TECH-NEEKS that I have learn in martial arts and dyslexia correction methods. So it is amazing. I did not want to say anything to soon, but appears to be permanent. I can not explain it, and I know it was the sealing that did it. A real wow, and I have been reading way more often. Kind of like a rediscovery of books.
Tim Swinford, San Francisco Ca
Qi Gong is a simple mindful practice to expand the mind so I can play in the field of infinite possibilities. Going into the "hand" practice, I was confident, since I make a living by using my hands, I really didn't believe I would see much difference. Boy, I was surprised. Firstly, to my resistance (mind) and secondly to the benefits (physical). The practice increased the energy, strength and sensitivity in my hands beyond what I believed was possible and if that wasn't enough, my clients started commenting on how improved my massages felt. This is a very powerful tool to protect your hands and increase your business potential.
Deb Snitzer, Schulenberg, TX
I am an acupuncturist and massage therapist and have definitely noticed that my treatments have gone to a whole new level since doing hands qigong training. I have become much more aware of my own energy and that of my clients. It has heightened my intuition and has made my treatments much more powerful.
Yvonne Perez, Austin TX
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